The Ca 'Bruciata Winery is located on one of the first low hills outisied of the city of Imola, a geographical position that is perfect for growing grapes as it is characterized by a primarily clayey soil. Here, there are various vines that are cared for from the field to the cellar. They bring to the table of many the taste and flavour of products grown in compliance with traditions and technological innovation.
what it offers
- Direct sales
- Tastings in panoramic setting
- Guided tours
wines not to miss
- Romagna Albana Secco DOCG
- Romagna Sangiovese Superiore DOC
in the surrounding area
- The Fortress of Imola, Palazzo Tozzoni, the Frattona Forest
- Restaurants: Il Rifugio dei Golosi (Riolo Terme), Osteria I du Matt (Fontanelice)
Via Ghiandolino, 21
Open on Google Maps
Direct sales
Mondays to Fridays 8:30-12 & 14-18. Saturdays 8-12:30. By reservation on Sundays
Visits and tastings
By telephone reservation with one day prior notice
Languages spoken: English
Davide Veronesi | 333 6034033
Web Site