
Podere dell'Angelo

The family-run company, Podere dell'Angelo Farm, is located on the lush hills of Vergiano near Rimini. It covers an area of 25 hectares cultivated principally with vineyards and olive trees, but it also has seed crops, cereals and fodder. They are farmed with modern technologies a meticulous respect for the environment as well as traditions. The vineyards offer a quality product that produce the much appreciated D.O.C. wines. The pursuit for excellence begins in the field with exclusively manual processing for thinning, selecting and harvesting the best grapes. Innovation and experience are the fundamental ingredients for obtaining an excellent quality wine.

what it offers

  • Direct sales
  • Tastings and aperitifs even outdoors, events and guided tours
  • Dog friendly

wines not to miss

  • Rebola 40 - Colli di Rimini Rebola DOC
  • Angelico - Romagna Sangiovese Superiore DOC
  • Cabernet Novanta - Colli di Rimini Cabernet DOC

in the surrounding area

  • The villages of Verucchio and Santarcangelo, the Repuplic Of San Marino
  • Restaurants: Trattoria Delinda, Bar Ilde, da Rinaldi, Battigia 46 (Rimini), Agriturismo Carlini (Verucchio), Agriturismo Le Margherite (Cesenatico), Vicolo Wine (Rimini), Tre Stelle Ristorante (San Martino dei Mulini (Santarcangelo di Romagna)
  • Shops: Cortesi Armi (Rimini), Antica Stamperia Marchi printing house (Santarcangelo)


Via Rodella, 40 47923

Open on Google Maps


Direct sales
Mondays to Saturdays 9-7

Visits and tastings
From Mondays to Saturdays 9-19, reservations are recommended with at least one day prior notice


Languages spoken: English, French


Milena Falcioni | 339 7542711


Web Site