
Gessaroli - Ca' Perdicchi

The Gessaroli di Rimini Farm, producer of Ca' Perdicchi wines, is located on Rimini's splendid hill neighboring the sea. Here you are offered a wide range of characteristic local agricultural products such as the delicate EVO olive oil. However, their flagship falls in the wine business. The hills, the mild climate, the use of fine vines, together with decades of experience, creates a wide selection of wines with unmistakable aromas and fragrances to be offered. What's more, their updated and efficient bottling system allows an annual total of 130,000 bottles to be packaged with 15 different wine labels.

what it offers

  • Direct sales
  • Tastings
  • Visits to the vineyards and the farm

wines not to miss

  • SessantaNove - Romagna Sangiovese Superiore DOC
  • SettantaSette - Colli di Rimini Rebola DOC
  • Tre Anni - Romagna Sangiovese Suoeriore Riserva (3 ANNI)

in the surrounding area

  • The Verucchio Fortress, the San Leo Fortress, Santarcangelo, the Republic Of San Marino
  • Restaurants: La Rocca (Verucchio), Il Chiosco di Bacco (Villa Verucchio), Trattoria La Marianna, Osteria del Borgo (Rimini)
  • Shops: La Madia wines (Verucchio)


Via San Paolo, 6/8 47923

Open on Google Maps


Direct sales from Mondays to Fridays 8:30-12:30 & 14:30-18:30.
Saturdays 9-13
Visits and tastings
By reservationwith at least 2 days prior notice


Languages spoken: English


Andrea Gessaroli | 339 3286675


Web Site